Second interview tips and techniques for success. You have stood out from the other competitors for the job and have got the call back for the second interview.
At this point potential employers will be focusing on:
The purpose of the second job interview is to decide who to offer the job to rather than a candidate's broad suitability.
Take these essential steps before your second interview to tip the balance in your favor.
1. Review your first interview performance
Think about any questions that you found difficult or you felt you could have answered better. Plan how to improve on these areas in the second interview.
2. Review the job posting
Get an in-depth look at the candidate and job requirements. Relate your skills, competencies and experiences in a way that clearly meets the requirements Prepare for second interview questions.
3. Update your knowledge of the company
Read their website page, Facebook page, LinkedIn Page. Check Google News for the latest news about the company. Speak to current employees to get valuable inside information. Build on the information you gathered first time around about.
4. Research the interviewers
Before the second interview you may be sent the agenda for the interview and a list of who you'll be talking to. Conduct research on each of your interviewers:
Second interview tips include using this information to try and engage them on a personal level and establish a rapport with them. Interviewers are always impressed when a candidate has taken the time to research their background.
If you do not receive this information you can ask for a specific agenda including names and titles of those people you will be meeting.
5. Second interview dress
Find out if there will be a company tour. Be prepared for this by dressing appropriately for a company tour or site visit including the right shoes to comfortably walk around.
6. Contact your references
Ask if they have been approached yet by the company. If they were contacted, what questions were they asked? This will give you insight into the concerns of the company. Prepare to address these areas during the second interview.
7. Review your resume
Candidates often ask if they should take their resume to a second interview. The answer is yes and prepare more copies of your resume for all the new people you will be meeting.
Go through your resume so you know exactly what the interviewers have in
front of them. Prepare for any difficult interview questions.
Use this list to help you:
Think about good questions to ask while you are going through the interview itself. Take some notes while your interviewers are talking so you can remember what you want to ask.
If you are meeting a number of people or are in a panel interview make sure you address your question to the right person.
Second interview tips from a hiring manager...
Follow up after a second interview is essential to keeping you on track for the job. Don't neglect to send a thank you note after the second interview. You can use this excellent sample Thank You for Second Interview to help you.