Why This Company? - top interview answers

Why this Company is a common interview question. Use our impressive interview answers to develop your own smart response to this question and its twin question
"Why do you want to work here?"

Interview Answers to Why do you want to work here?

In order to prepare a solid response to this interview question you can take the following steps:

  • find out what you can about the company including its mission and vision, current goals, successes and challenges and future plans
  • consider how your skills and expertise can help the company succeed in meeting current challenges and reaching its goals
  • consider how you fit with the company culture and what you find most appealing about it

Use the following resources for your research:

  • the company website - get to know their products and services, their customers, any recognition they have recently received, the future plans they have
  • the company's social media accounts - look at the company posts, what recent news is there about the organization and the industry? Note the comments and feedback on the page.
  • do a general search for the company and pick up on the latest news about the company
  • revisit the job posting and gain a full understanding of the role and what the company wants in an employee

Sample interview answers to "Why this Company?"

Focus on how you complement the company culture

How do you complement the company culture? What have you noticed about the organization? What sort of work environment is there? What do you know about the company policies and how they inform the organizational culture?  How do you fit in?

This sample interview answer focuses on how your core values align with those of the company.

By demonstrating how you complement the company culture you are sending the clear message that you will be fully engaged and productive in your job.

Focus on your admiration for the company's products or services

In answering Why this company? highlight your regard for their brand, product or services and your respect for the company's reputation in the industry.

This sample interview answer displays your research and your understanding of the company's objectives going forward.

Demonstrate your knowledge of the company

Focus on what you have learned about the company and how you can contribute to their future success.

This interview answer to Why this company? indicates that you took the time to learn about the company and how it is regarded by its employees in order to determine if you would fit in there.

How not to answer "Why do you want to work here?"

  • Avoid mentioning company benefits, perks or compensation
  • Avoid general answers, "This seems like a great place to work". This clearly shows you have put little thought into why you would like to work for the company
  • Avoid vague answers, "The job sounds interesting". This comes across as unenthusiastic and indicates that you don't know much about the company. Focus on specifics about the company and how your values, skills and goals complement those of the company.

Find out more about how to answer Why this company?

Answers to common interview questions


Why should we hire you?


Can you tell me about yourself?


Why do you want this job?


Your strengths and weaknesses?


What are your future goals ?


Your greatest achievement?

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