Job-Winning Interview
Follow Up Letter

Use this sample interview follow up letter to help you write your own winning letter after the job interview.

By sending a follow up letter immediately after your interview you are demonstrating interest, commitment and professionalism. A well written letter will impress the employer and help you get the job you want.

Your letter should be personalized to reflect your suitability for the specific job opportunity using the information you learned about the job during the interview.

Sample Interview Follow Up Letter

Your Name
Your Address
Your Contact details (phone and email)


Mrs Mary Stevens
ABC Company
15 South Parkway
Long Island, NY 11551

Dear Mrs Stevens

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the interview on Wednesday morning. I was very impressed with the department and company and I am enthusiastic about the prospect of joining your team.

I am confident that my capabilities would allow me to quickly integrate myself into your team and be productive right from the start. Some of the skills that would enable me to contribute positively to achievement of your goals include:

  • Over 6 years professional experience providing high level support and assistance to both a single department and multiple individuals throughout the company.
  • Proven ability to plan and prioritize tasks to efficiently manage complex deadline-driven assignments.
  • Skilled in the collection, analysis and integration of information.
  • Comprehensive working knowledge of various computer applications including MS Office Suite.
  • A reputation as a self-directed worker who uses initiative to get the job done in a fast paced work environment.

I am most interested in this job opportunity and look forward to discussing my candidacy with you soon. Thank you again for the opportunity to interview.


Claire Candidate

What should be included in an interview follow up letter?

Make sure you cover the following points in your follow up letter.

  • Your enthusiasm and interest in the position
  • Tell the interviewer you really want the job
  • Highlight your suitability for the job
  • Your excitement about the prospect of joining the team and the company
  • Give specific reasons why you are a good fit for the job and the company
  • Include any additional information that will benefit your job application
  • Provide any information requested by the employer
  • Express gratitude for the interviewer's time and consideration

Secrets to a successful follow up letter

Sample interview thank you letters

View these sample interview thank you letters to select the most appropriate letter for your situation.


Basic Interview Thank You Note


Interview Thank You Letters


Interview Thank You Letter Template

Interview follow up email

Would you prefer to send an email after your job interview? Use the samples at interview follow up email to help you write a professional follow up email.


Interview Follow Up Guide


Interview Follow Up Email


Interview Follow Up Tips

Sales Interview Follow Up Email

What are positive signs that the interview went well?

How to follow up on your resume

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