Preparing for an interview begins with gathering company information.
Having extensive and valid information about the employer gives you a competitive edge over the other job candidates. These are the top 5 resources for finding out about the company.
1. The Company Website
This is the easiest way to find out about the company.
This essential company information checklist will guide you on the type of information to look for on the company website.
2. LinkedIn
Search for the company page on LinkedIn and find out the latest company updates. Follow a company on LinkedIn to view their updates directly on your feed.
Current employees will show up on the company page. See if you know or are connected to any of them. Reach out to them them through the messaging system and find out what you can about the company and job opportunity.
Many companies and groups of companies have Groups that you can join. As a member of the group you can interact with other members.
3. Social Networks
Facebook and Twitter are valuable sources of company information. Following the company on social media will provide an inside look at its culture, work, employees and latest news.
Instagram can provide unique insights into the company culture.
4. Online publications
Use these resources to get great information on the employer for your job interview preparation:
5. Visit the company
Another resource for company information is the company itself.
Interview preparation starts with your company research. This information is key to developing excellent and relevant answers to common job interview questions
It enables you to prepare insightful interview questions to ask in your interview.
It is also essential at the end of your job search when you need to make a decision on accepting a job offer