Job Offer Acceptance Letter

The job offer acceptance letter should be well planned and well written.

The letter is a good opportunity to demonstrate your professionalism and commitment to your new employer and to create a good impression from the word go.

Woman presenting a job offer document with text "How to Accept a Job Offer"

The employment acceptance letter should be addressed to the person who offered you the job.

Check it carefully for typos and errors, you want to be sure it presents you in a professional light and reinforces that the employer made the right choice!

Adapt this sample letter for your own use when accepting the offer of employment.

Sample Job Offer Acceptance Letter

Your Name
Your Address
Your City, State, Zip Code
Your Phone Number
Your Email


Mrs Jane Brown
Human Resources Manager
Open Door Company
City, State, Zip Code

Dear Mrs Brown

Thank you for offering me the position of Assistant Accountant with Open Door Company. I am pleased to accept this offer and look forward to starting employment with your company on Month Day, 2023.

As we discussed my starting salary will be $42,000 and health and life insurance benefits will be provided after 60 days of employment.

Thank you again for giving me this wonderful opportunity. I am eager to join your team and make a positive contribution to the company.

If there is any further information or paperwork you need me to complete, please let me know and I will arrange it as soon as possible.


Your signature

Typed name

Top tips for writing your acceptance letter

The job acceptance letter should be to the point and positive, and should include the following:

  • thank the employer for the job offer stating the full job title
  • formally accept the job offer
  • discuss the terms and conditions of employment - salary, benefits, work schedule, starting date. This is an opportunity to clarify your employment conditions and prevent any future misunderstandings
  • highlight your appreciation and enthusiasm for this opportunity

If the employer has sent you the formal job offer in writing for you to sign and return, it is advisable to send an email to confirm your acceptance and that you have signed and sent the letter. You can use this sample employment acceptance email to do this.

Job Offer Acceptance Email Sample

The guide to the job offer letter clearly outlines what should be included in an offer of employment letter.

How do I decide whether to take the job offer?

It is important not to accept the offer until you are sure of your decision. Go through accepting a job offer to view the questions to ask yourself before you accept a job offer.

Should you accept a job offer immediately?

If you want some time to think about the job offer it is advisable to acknowledge the job offer in writing or by email and buy yourself a bit of time to really consider the offer. If you are sure you want to accept the job offer then there is no reason to delay.

How to ask for more time to consider a job offer over the phone

Sample email response to a job offer

How to respond to a job offer over the phone

What to say and do when you receive a job offer over the phone

How to resign from your company gracefully

Resign properly from your job using the sample resignation letter and leave the company on the right note.

How to withdraw from the job search

Once you have accepted the offer you should formally withdraw from the job search.

It is professional and polite to notify any other employers who you are in the hiring process with that you are no longer a candidate. You can either do this with a polite phone call, a brief email or a letter.

Withdrawing your name from consideration should be done as soon as possible after writing your job offer acceptance letter.

Sample email withdrawing from the job search

Dear Mr Blue

I would like to express my appreciation for including me in the interview process for your Accountant position. I enjoyed meeting with you and learning more about your company.

However, I have accepted another employment offer and respectfully withdraw from consideration for your position.

I wish you and your company success and thank you again for your time and effort.


Chris Candidate

Remember to also cancel any upcoming interviews as soon as possible. Leaving other employers with a positive impression is important should you ever need to enter the job market again. 

Useful job offer pages

By sending a formal job offer acceptance letter you begin your employment with the company on a positive and professional note. It only takes a couple of minutes but it is of real value in creating the right impression.

Can I turn down a job offer after accepting it?

This is a frequently asked question and the simple answer is that as long as you have not yet signed a formal employment contract with the employer you can legally change your mind about accepting the job offer.

If you have signed an employment contract, go through it carefully to see what your legal obligations are. Check with an expert. Even if you have signed a contract, it is worth exploring the option of rejecting the job offer with the employer.

Experience shows that the majority of employers would rather not have you start than begin your employment and quit shortly after.

Be 100% sure that you want to turn down the job offer before taking any action. The employer is unlikely to give you a second chance. Always inform the employer of your decision not to take the job as soon as possible.

Be polite and professional in your communication, usually better done in person, and always thank the employer for the opportunity. Follow up with a letter or email so it is in writing.

This sample letter or email will help you write your own decline a job offer letter after you have already accepted the position.

After accepting the job offer

View this standard job offer letter to make sure your offer of employment includes all the necessary details

Sample letters of resignation to adapt for your own use.

Find out how to resign using this essential job resignation checklist. Ensure that you resign from your job properly and professionally.

How to resign by resignation email.

Cancel any scheduled job interviews. How to cancel interview email

Secure the job offer in a professional manner and begin your employment on the right note with a well written job offer acceptance letter.  

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